Amavisd-new integration. This module will allow the below features to be specified/used on a per policy basis.
Bypass Checks
These features allow one to bypass certain checks for a policy.
- Bypass Virus Checks
- Amavis feature virus_lovers_maps & bypass_virus_checks_maps
- Bypass virus checks are done if some recipients in the email have requested anti-virus features, in this case however the result is ignored.
- Bypass Banned File Checks
- Amavis feature banned_files_lovers_maps & bypass_banned_checks_maps
- Bypass filename checks and file content checks.
- Bypass Spam Checks
- Amavis feature spam_lovers_maps & bypass_spam_checks_maps
- Bypass spam checks.
- Bypass Header Checks
- Amavis feature bad_header_lovers_maps & bypass_header_checks_maps
- Bypass header checks.
Antispam settings, mostly relating to Amavisd-new's SpamAssassin capabilities.
- Spam tag level
- Amavis feature spam_tag_level_maps
- Spam score at which to tag email as being clean.
- Spam tag 2 level
- Amavis feature spam_tag2_level_maps
- Spam score at which to tag email as being spammy.
- Spam tag 3 level
- Amavis feature spam_tag3_level_maps
- Spam score at which to tag email as being spammy, but may insert a different subject line (tag3).
- Spam kill level
- Amavis feature spam_kill_level_maps
- Spam score at which to trigger evasive action (reject, quarantine).
- Spam DSN cutoff level
- Amavis feature spam_dsn_cutoff_level_maps
- Spam score at which not to generate delivery status notifications.
- Spam Quarantine Cutoff Level
- Amavis feature spam_quarantine_cutoff_level_maps
- Score at which not to quarantine.
- Modify subject
- Amavis feature spam_modifies_subj_maps
- Modify email subject for this policy if spam is detected.
- Spam tag subject
- Amavis feature spam_subject_tag_maps
- Subject to prepend to the email message when message exceeds spam tag level. [POSSIBLE_SPAM:_REQD_/_SCORE_]
- Spam tag 2 subject
- Amavis feature spam_subject_tag2_maps
- Subject to prepend to the email message when message exceeds spam tag 2 level. [SPAM:_REQD_/_SCORE_]
- Spam tag 3 subject
- Amavis feature spam_subject_tag3_maps
- Subject to prepend to the email message when message exceeds spam tag 3 level. [SPAM!!:_REQD_/_SCORE_]
Email Message Checks
Various email message checks.
- Max Message Size
- Amavis feature message_size_limit_maps
- Maximum message size allowed. This is in Kbytes.
- Banned File List
- Amavis feature banned_filename_maps
- List of filename extensions and/or types to ban. Separated by , or ; or newline or whitespace.
Whitelist & Blacklist
Allows whitelisting and blacklisting of senders.
- Whitelist Senders
- Amavis feature per_recip_whitelist_sender_lookup_tables
- Whitelist these senders, this allows them to always bypass the various checks. Remeber however sender addresses can be forged!
- Blacklist Senders
- Amavis feature per_recip_blacklist_sender_lookup_tables
- Blacklist these senders, this will automatically declare the email message as being spam.
Admin Notifications
These settings allow an andministrator to be notified when certain detections occur.
- Notify on New Virus
- Amavis feature newvirus_admin_maps
- Send newly encountered virus notifications to this address.
- Notify on Virus
- Amavis feature virus_admin_maps
- Send virus notifications to this address.
- Notify on Spam
- Amavis feature spam_admin_maps
- Send spam notifications to this address.
- Notify on Banned File
- Amavis feature banned_admin_maps
- Send banned file notifications to this address.
- Notify on Bad Header
- Amavis feature bad_header_admin_maps
- Send bad header notifications to this address.
These settings control how emails are quarantined.
- Quarantine Viruses
- Amavis feature virus_quarantine_to_maps
- Email address or facility to quanrantine emails containing viruses to.
- Quarantine Banned Files
- Amavis feature banned_quarantine_to_maps
- Email address or facility to quanrantine emails matching the banned files list to.
- Quarantine Bad Headers
- Amavis feature bad_header_quarantine_to_maps
- Email address or facility to quanrantine emails matching the bad headers list to.
- Quarantine Spam
- Amavis feature spam_quarantine_to_maps
- Email address or facility to quanrantine spam emails to.
These settings allow an administrator to intercept email and BCC it to another address.
- BCC To
- Amavis feature always_bcc
- BCC email to another address.
Server Configuration
Configuration for this module is done in the Amavis section in the configuration file.
enable (Supported in: r420+, v2.1.x)
Set to 1 if you wish to enable this module. Default 0 (disabled). Note on versions prior to r420, v2.1.x Before r420 if the module was loaded Amavis was enabled.