Table of Contents


Greylisting can be added to a policy and the below options added. Most options can be inherited or explicitly set.

Greylisting Configuration

Server Configuration

Configuration for this module is done in the Greylisting section in the configuration file.


Whitelisting of source IPv4 addresses in the format a.b.c.d[/x]. Bitmask is optional and defaults to 32.

(Supported in: r493+, v2.1.x) Whitelisting of source IPv6 addresses. For a list of supported formats please see IP Address Specification.

Important Note

Its highly recommended to use the whitelisted hosts file in the database/whitelists/ directory by running:

./parse-greylisting-whitelist > greylisting-whitelist.sql

Then load greylisting-whitelist.sql into your database.

Complete Example

Taking the policies described in the other feature document, we can apply a reasonable greylisting rule to all inbound email

Greylist Inbound Email

Policy: Default Inbound Policy
Use Greylisting: No
Greylist Period: 240 (4 minutes)
Track: SenderIP:/24 (Track into /24 ranges)
Greylist Auth Validity: 604800 (7 days)
Greylist UnAuth Validity: 86400 (1 day)
Use AWL: Yes
AWL Period: 604800 (7 days)
AWL After Count: 100
AWL After Percentage: 90
Use ABL: Yes
ABL Period: 604800 (7 days)
ABL After Count: 100
ABL After Percentage: 20

Disable Greylisting on authenticated inbound policy

Policy: Default Inbound Policy (SASL)
Use Greylisting: No
Greylist Period:
Track: SenderIP:/32 (default)
Greylist Auth Validity:
Greylist UnAuth Validity:
Use AWL: No
AWL Period:
AWL After Count: 0
AWL After Percentage: 0
Use ABL: No
ABL Period:
ABL After Count: 0
ABL After Percentage: 0